Agenda - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Meeting time: 13.30




Emergency Question


To ask the Cabinet Secretary for Finance:


Adam Price (Carmarthen East and Dinefwr):  What plans has the Welsh Government made to respond to the consequences of Carillion entering liquidation? (EAQ0002)



1       Questions to the First Minister

(45 mins)                                                                                                         

The Presiding Officer will call the Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2.

View Questions



2       Business Statement and Announcement

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

View Business Statement and Announcement



3       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services: The Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care in Wales

(45 mins)                                                                                                         

Supporting Document
The Parliamentary Review of Health - Final Report



4       Debate: The Final Budget 2018-19

(60 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6614 Julie James (Swansea West)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 20.25, approves the Annual Budget for the financial year 2018-19 laid in the Table Office by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance on 19 December 2017.


In accordance with the relevant provisions contained in the Government of Wales Act 2006 and Standing Order 20.28, the Annual Budget comprises the following information:

1. the written statement required under section 125(3) of the Government of Wales Act 2006;

2. the resources agreed by the Treasury for the Welsh block budget for the financial year covered by the motion;

3. a reconciliation between the resources allocated to the Welsh block budget by the Treasury and the resources to be authorised for use in the motion;

4. a reconciliation between the estimated amounts to be paid into the Welsh Consolidated Fund by the Secretary of State and the amounts to be authorised for payment out of the Fund in the motion; and

5. a reconciliation between the resources to be authorised under section 125(1)(a) and (b) of the Act and the amounts to be authorised for payment out of the Welsh Consolidated Fund under section 125(1)(c).
The following additional information has been made available to Members:

- an Explanatory Note on changes between Draft Budget proposals and the Annual Budget.

Supporting Document
Finance Committee - Report on Welsh Government Draft Budget 2018-19



5       The Non-Domestic Rating (Multiplier) (Wales) Order 2018

(15 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6622 Julie James (Swansea West)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

Approves that the draft the Non-Domestic Rating (Multiplier) (Wales) Order 2018 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 04/01/2018.

Supporting Document
Explanatory Memorandum
Report of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee



6       Debate: The Local Government Settlement 2018-19

(60 mins)                                                                                                         

NDM6623 Julie James (Swansea West)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Section 84H of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, approves the Local Government Finance Report (No. 1) 2018-2019 (Final Settlement - Councils), which was laid in the Table Office on 20 December 2017.



7       Voting Time




The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Wednesday, 17 January 2018